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Wir stellen den Pixel Cube vor.

Die Remote-DIT-Station für jede Produktion.

Der Pixel Cube ist eine revolutionäre Remote-DIT-Station, die das Fachwissen eines professionellen DIT in Filmproduktionen jeder Größe einbringt. Dieses robuste, leistungsstarke Gerät lässt sich nahtlos in den Workflow integrieren und bietet Datenübertragung von der Kamera in die Cloud, sowie Schnitt nahezu in Echtzeit.


Angetrieben vom effizienten und ultraschnellen Apple M2®-Chip ist der Pixel Cube mit integriertem SSD-RAID und V-Mount-Akkus ausgestattet und funktioniert automatisch ohne Benutzerinteraktion am Set. Steck einfach die Kamerakarte in das Lesegerät und der Pixel Cube kümmert sich um den Rest.


Beim Einlegen der Speicherkarte wird das Display orange und signalisiert damit den Kopiervorgang. Sobald das Kopieren abgeschlossen ist, wird die Anzeige grün und die Karte kann zurück in die Kamera. Der Pixel Cube erstellt dann weitere Backups und sendet Proxy-Dateien über seinen integrierten Dual-5G-Router an die Cloud. So wird sichergestellt, dass alle Daten sicher und für die Postproduktion schnell zugänglich sind.



Apple und M2 sind in den USA und anderen Ländern eingetragene Marken von Apple Inc.

Automatisierte Backups.

Alle Backups. Checksum überprüft. Mit Deiner Dateistruktur. LTO- und Cloud- integriert. Schöne & durchschaubare Berichte.
Alles automatisiert.

Es ist ein Service.

Vollständiges Workflow-Setup inklusive. Unsere DITs überwachen den Ablauf am Set remote. Etwas ist schiefgelaufen? Wir sind innerhalb kürzester Zeit vor Ort und kümmern uns darum.

Transkodierung an Bord.

Proxies, Dailies, Editorials, Rushes. Ganz wie Du möchtest. Alles wird genau dort hochgeladen, wo Du es brauchst und genau so, wie Du es brauchst. Sogar mit Grading, Ton und Metadaten.

Ab 150 € pro Tag.

Hole Dir Deinen Remote-DIT stundenweise.

Jetzt verfügbar.


Filmemachen 4.0 (oder wie auch immer Du es nennst)

Wahnsinnig schnelles Kopieren und Verifizieren


Sofortige Dailies


Lieferung und Abholung

Fertige Proxies bearbeiten

Deine Dateistruktur


Duales 5G-Internet

Unterstützt Raw-Codecs

Remote- und Vor-Ort-Support

Einrichten des Workflows


Kamerakarten vorbereitet von o/PARASHOOT

V-Mount batteriebetrieben

Backup auf Shuttle-Drives, RAIDs und LTO


Lass uns über ein Projekt sprechen.

Joshua Park

Awesome Workflow-Designer (EN/DE)

Einen Pixel Cube kaufen?

Wir suchen Partner, die Remote-DIT Service anbieten können.

Best of Show auf der IBC 2024

Developed by

AWPI Partner Logo.jpeg
AWPI Partner Logo (3).jpeg

Built on



Mac Mini M2

up to 24GB unified memory

up to 2TB internal storage

Media engine


  • How do I know my camera card has been successfully backed up?
    The integrated display on the Pixel Cube uses color to indicate the status of the backup process: orange means the process is still ongoing, while green indicates that the data has been successfully backed up and the card can be safely removed. If a card should be removed before the offload has finished, the slot will blink red. As soon as the card has been put back, the offload continues. Moreover, all backed-up cards are formatted using Parashoot’s “fake formatting” process. This process reverses the first few bytes of the backup (turning 0 into 1, and vice versa), making the card appear unreadable and prompting the camera to format the card when inserted. If this message does not appear on the camera after a backup, it would indicate an unsuccessful backup. In such cases, the Remote-DIT should be contacted, and the card should not be reused. This additional step provides extra assurance that the data has been successfully transferred and backed up and it is compatible with every camera system. The Pixel Cube can still restore data even after the fake formatting. For more information on o/Parashoot, visit Ottomatic.
  • Is my footage safe?
    The Pixel Cube automatically creates three backups: two on the internal SSD-RAID and one on a shuttle drive. All backups are verified against the original source, such as the camera card, to ensure the data matches. Additionally, after the shoot, the Pixel Cube can be connected to an external storage medium to create a fourth backup. With a fast enough hard wired internet connection at the production office, you could even automatically upload the original footage to the cloud overnight.
  • Does the Pixel Cube work without a stable internet connection?
    The Pixel Cube comes with its own dedicated internet connection, ensuring reliable data backups. Internally, all processes run completely automated: card offloads, proxy generation, and checksums for copied data occur without needing an internet connection. The internet is only used for uploading proxies and reports, as well as for remote monitoring by the DIT. Additionally, the Pixel Cube is compatible with Starlink (satellite internet), making it rare for there to be a situation where no internet connection is available.
  • Is it necessary to book the Remote-DIT service?
    Yes. The Remote-DIT constantly monitors all processes, ensuring high-quality results, technical support, and a smooth workflow. Depending on the complexity of your project, we recommend adjusting the Remote-DIT’s working hours to match the production’s needs. This way, we can offer the best solution for your production.
  • What does the Remote-DIT do?
    With the Pixel Cube, the Data Wrangler becomes a Remote-DIT, overseeing all processes. The Remote-DIT is available 24/7 and communicates with both the set and post-production teams. Just add them to your call sheet.
  • Why do you call it "Remote-DIT"?
    We aim to bring the expertise of professional DITs to more productions than ever before. While there are many critical tasks a DIT handles on set, there are certain aspects of the job that can be managed remotely, such as basic quality checks, pre-grading, workflow consultancy, and communication with post-production. Importantly, these tasks are still being carried out by a qualified DIT, which is why we chose the name Remote-DIT rather than something like "Remote-Loader" or "Remote-Wrangler." It’s crucial to recognize that an on-set DIT offers much more, including live grading, monitor calibration, and exposure control. We’re not trying to replace the invaluable role of an on-set DIT but instead provide a solution for productions that have never had access to one. Many smaller projects rely on crew members like 2nd ACs, camera operators, or even producers to make backups late at night, in addition to their regular duties. The Remote-DIT station is designed to ease that burden and elevate the quality of data management. We’re always open to suggestions for a better name for this evolving remote role, so feel free to share your ideas!
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